Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Long Weekend!

If you live in the United States, happy long weekend everyone! It's Labor Day weekend, our last long weekend of the summer.

My grand-daughters are coming over for a sewing day! We're going to start making Christmas gifts for friends and family. That's right, handmade gifts for them to give. I've got several projects planned, so we'll have to have more of these "sewing days" for sure! I'll post pictures as we make them so you can share the ideas with your own children. Handmade = fun together and gifts that mean more than the ordinary "store bought" things. Can they keep a secret until Christmas? That's another story...LOL!

Remember the magazine send away we did for Julia in Germany? If you're new to my blog, a group of my readers sent their old quilting magazines off to someone they didn't even know in Germany. Julia has a hard time getting quilting magazines but not anymore! LOL! I got the "sweetest" surprise in the mail last week from her. Look at what she sent!

German dog and kitty treats for you know who! Bitsy and Chelsea could smell the package as I was opening it! They were waiting as soon as I took out the treats. Amazing sniffers those dogs have!

and... treats for me! German chocolate and little yogurt gums!


...the cutest pictures from Julia, along with a special thank you note. It's going on my inspiration board for sure. For all of you who participated in this, we've made a new friend in Germany and isn't that what blogging is all about? Thank you Julia! We love you!

And wait until you see the car one of my readers found for me! Lori Brown sent me an email with this photo she took! It's the perfect bunny car!

And then because it wasn't pink, her husband did some magic in Photoshop and ta da...


A pink bunny car for me! Maybe I'll drive over in my new pink car and pick up my Grand-daughters. Can't you see it?

If you haven't been here Cinderberry Stitches has the CUTEST little bag you can make and the pattern is FREE! It's adorable! Natalie does the cutest designs. She's another one of those Australian designers I love!



Oh, I forgot to son and daughter-in-law are having a sale on Bunny Hill fabrics, this weekend only. 30 % off the listed price on everything except Lollipop Lane! You can find it here

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Today's the Day!

It’s Thursday and time to pick some winners! And to think I was worried you might not participate! I wish I could give each and every one of you a prize! I asked Chelsea to do the honors and pick three winners. She suggested picking in groups of around 50. Smart dog!

No Mooch you were not invited. That darn cat!

Chelsea's ready are you? Here we go...

Her head is in the bowl for the first winner...

Wait! She's asking if she gets a treat for this! Of course she does! Go for it!

And we have our fist winner!...picked by Chelsea! Good Dog Chelsea!

#1. Stephanie from Pickerton, Ohio! She posted on August 25th.

Congratulations Stephanie!

Her head is in the bowl again...Go for it Chelsea!

2. Lynn S. left a post on Tuesday, August 26th. She said she is working on her Baltimore Bunny Borders! Yeahhhhhh Lynn!

Chelsea gave up on the third winner. She just wanted her nap. I think she's lost some brain power with that her new diet. So I picked winner # 3...

#3. Vickie E...the first one to post a comment! That's right I just couldn't help it, it's a scavenger hunt! First one back wins! Thank Vickie!

I just can’t thank all of you enough. You brought smiles to “my” fabric company with your words, and made all of us happy! Henry Glass has some great designers. Just wait until you see the new fabric lines and new designers at Fall market! It’s going to be a great year for fabric!

Lucky winners, just send me an email with your choice of Bunny Hill Pattern, your name, address etc. and we'll ship your pattern and fabric right off! Click on the email link on the right...

You all were so great! Thank you!



Sunday, August 24, 2008

Time for a scavenger hunt!

Hi everyone! The scavenger hunt is officially over! Chelsea is picking the winners right now. Back in a minute!

Remember those days when scavenger hunts were all the rage? Oh come on it wasn't that long ago! Well the idea came to me that it would be fun to have a virtual scavenger hunt. That's right a virtual scavenger hunt with prizes! So here we go, are you ready?

I'm taking you on a scavenger hunt of Henry Glass fabric designers and it should be fun! The idea started when MY fabric company, yes that would be Henry Glass, started their own blog. That's right they have their own blog and no one has ever left a comment. EVER! Now think about it...for a fabric company to do a blog takes a lot of time, commitment and a desire to reach out to their customers. So I have to hand it to them for going to extra mile. Don't you think they deserve some comments?

So here's what you have to do in my scavenger hunt; visit the Henry Glass blog and leave a comment (the link is in the list below). You can comment on any post you like but you have to comment. Then visit the sites I have listed below, find the answers and bring the answers back to me. Yep that's it!

And what do you get for all this work? First you get to know some really good Henry Glass designers. Second you get to win some fabric and patterns! I have 3 fat packs of my "Flowers for Emma" fabric I'll be giving away(one each for 3 winners), plus you can choose a free pattern from my web site. That's right a free pattern, even a block of the month! But first a little work...

  1. Henry Glass Fabrics new blog:
  2. Michelle Benesko is a NEW Henry Glass designer with a beautiful new fabric line. Tell me the name of her debut fabric line.
  3. Heather Mulder Peterson is so well known if you don't have one of her patterns I'd be very surprised. Tell me the name of her newest fabric line. It's on her blog at
  4. Linda Lum Debono is everywhere! She's written several books and been in numerous magazines . Tell me the name of her Christmas has stockings on can't miss it.
  5. Little Quilts a name we all love! Did you know their shop has a blog? Look on their post for Monday, July 21st and tell me the name of the designer who visited their shop!
  6. Buggy Barn I love their designs and their fabric! A little bird told me they have a fabulous new fabric line coming up. Tell me the name of their latest book. It's on their web site.
  7. Kim Diehl and her famous designs. My friend Anne loves her more than me. LOL! What is the one word you will find in the name of all her books?

That's it! That's all you have to do. I know, it's a bit of work but it should be fun. This is only a few of their designers. You can see lots more, along with FREE PATTERNS on their web site at And more exciting news is coming soon. Henry Glass has added more well known designers to their list of names. So get ready, I see lots of beautiful fabrics in the very near future!

I'm not telling how I'm choosing the winners so don't just copy the first comment on my blog. I'll know if you did. Really. Come's time we worked for a giveaway. I'll be choosing the winner on Thursday, August 28th. Ready, set, go!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Clean the windows and bathe the cats!

Hurry clean the windows and bathe the cats. It's not everyday that American Patchwork and Quilting comes to call! I love, love, love that magazine and guess what? The American Patchwork and Quilting team was just here at my house! (I'm dancing around right now as I try and sing that last line). Yep, right here in my house.

They took photos of so many things! It's been a lot of fun! It's for the June issue of 2009 and yes, I'll remind you when it's coming out, but it would be a lot easier if you'd all subscribe. This is one magazine that I'll always renew my subscription to. It's a quality publication and after watching them work I know why. They are so dedicated to their readers! A lot of thought and time goes into their magazines. Just wait until you see the other designers they've been to visit. It's going to be so much fun!

Here's a shot of my studio that you don't normally get to see. I took it myself and it's taken from the closet looking toward the front. You won't see this in the magazine, it's a bit too cluttery. Cluttery is my word for "in the process of cluttering" because that's what I'm doing right now. See those fat packs on the shelves? Well, they are coming out this week and I'm about to rip them apart. The counter tops are about to become a mess and I'm getting down to work. I'll be working into the night and chances are Law and Order will be on in the background LOL! I've seen all the episodes so if I miss something it doesn't matter.

This morning this is what I did! Fabric along with rulers, scissors and marking pens all on the cutting mat. I'm back to normal and I feel like a quilter again!

Next up is my giveaway. Just give me a few days to get myself organized, or should I say unorganzied?

Thank you American Patchwork from the bottom of my heart!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mooch and such

I'm such a tease, but I just couldn't help myself. There was Mooch, framed perfectly in front of the quilt I'm getting ready to send off to my quilter. It was the perfect photo so I grabbed the camera and clicked. I know, I know, you can't really SEE the quilt but Mooch doesn't seem to care. And chances are you'll see that quilt soon enough. Remember this photo is about cats not quilts.

My DH just came back from Bend, Oregon pulling a trailer filled with things I love. Things we're bringing back from our Bend house before we sell it. Things that I've been longing for. I'll be showing you more photos throughout the week, but first up are the bunny beds! They're here at our house and we set them up in the new bunny bedroom! (If you didn't already notice I used the term DH and I so proud of myself! I'm catching on to the new lingo so fast you could soon be reading this blog in code!) And I should add that the bunny bedroom is definately NOT the master bedroom. I'll show you that room later in the week.

The antique "Chocolate" box on the bed is for the kitties, of course! If there's a bed in a room and you have a cat you know what to expect. So I put the box on top of the bed, filled it with a soft, snugly cover, and now it's usually taken by a cat.

And then I spent part of the weekend winding ribbon around these special spools I bought from Jennifer Gray at I LOVE Jennifer and you can't all go begging for spools because she'll kill me. She's totally remodeling the new house they just bought and getting ready to move in! But in the middle of chaos she was able to send me an assortment of these old, worn, beautiful spools. Thank you Jennifer! I absolutely LOVE them.

Oh and stay tuned because later this week, after I get my act together (ha), I have another giveaway that will take you on a mini scavenger hunt. That's right! A scavenger hunt remember those? Ready, set....NO you don't get the spools! Sorry.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wonderful Reads!

It's delightful as always. It's the new issue of "Artful Blogging". I love to read this magazine! The world of blogging has opened the door to creativity and everyone can participate! This is one magazine I read. I mean really read, not just skim the pages till I find something of interest.

Did you notice "Bitty Bird" in the photo above? This is my "artful" contribution to the photo. You'll really see how pitiful my attempt is after you visit the blog I selected as my favorite from this issue of "Artful Blogging". Just the name of this blog makes me want to visit and the photos? You be the judge!

And while I'm sharing my favorite reads, I found a new book by Tone Finnanger, "Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle". This is one designer I would love to meet! I LOVE everything she does. Her look is fresh, creative and delightful. Every single page of this book is beautiful. Every single page, including the table of contents LOL! It's filled with projects I would make for myself.

With so many books flooding the market, it's delightful to find one so unique!

I really need one of those angel geese (upper right corner). I may have to make one!

Have a great weekend everyone! Chelsea and I are going for a walk, all 7 lbs of her.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

2 lbs?

It started out to be such a fun little ride. A dogs dream comes true. There we were just me and Chelsea, driving down the road together, new sites and smells. It doesn’t get any better if you’re a dog.

And then I pulled into that parking lot and everything changed. Who knew a visit to the vet could bring such humiliation! Poor Chelsea, just look at her! She's wishing she had stayed at home. Her life was so much simpler before "the visit". Gone are those puppy days when you put on a little weight and they call it puppy fat. Now they call it plain old fat and make comments like "she's a bit pudgy isn't she!" And to think she gave that vet such a nice old smooch and tail wag!

Just 2 lbs. is all she was overweight and the vet put her on a diet! 100 calories a day! How is a dog supposed to survive on that? I swear I tired to stick up for her. I told the vet she doesn't eat very much. And I swore that I never see her nibbling on the cat food. And those treats in the closet? Well I only give them to her once in awhile. Must be the hubby to blame.

She has to go back to the vet for a re-check in 1 month. Poor dog!

Did you know they don't list calories on a dog food bag? No fat grams either! Should be some kind of law that they have to show them. I was actually reading the entire bag, but no calorie list anywhere.

And do you know what Chelsea told me on the ride home? She said she read somewhere that if you have an overweight dog, you're not getting enough exercise.

She thinks she's one smart dog. Shes a little hungry too. It's carrots and popcorn for her.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's All About Pink

I adore pink! I would write in pink if I thought you could read it. I'd buy rose colored glasses and view the world in pink. Almost everything goes with pink and here at Bunny Hill it's considered a neutral.

Seems a few of you out there know that little secret of mine. Look at what arrived in the mail yesterday! A bag of pink things from Jodi at! I met her through this wonderful world of blogging and she's become one of those blogging friends I always look forward to hearing from.

Isn't that pink "A" just the best? No one has ever given me a pink "A" before!

When I opened the box I was greeted by shades of pink tissue! Pink tissue makes a brown box look so inviting!

And when I saw this book you know I was in heaven! It's just delightful and there's that touch of pink on gray (or grey if you prefer this spelling).

And hidden behind all those wonderful pink goodies was this...

A box of PINK malted milk balls!

Thanks Jodi!

To show you this next wonderful pink you have to be sitting down. Oh that's right you probably are if you're reading this! Well hold on to your seat when you click on this next link, and read the rest of my post first because you'll want to spend some time on this blog. I got an email from Rhonda Beyer who invited me to see her version of my Market Morning quilt in PINK and brown. I was excited and couldn't wait to click on the link. When I did I swear I gasped and you will too. The quilting is like something I've never seen. It is beyond beautiful. Be sure and scroll all the way down on her blog so you can see the process she went through to quilt Market Morning. It's amazing. My friend Anne tells me she has won many awards for her quilting. I can see why. Are you ready?

I couldn't end this post without a tribute to pink. So what did I do? I put on rose colored glasses and looked at Mooch!

Have a great day everyone and THINK PINK!



Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm in such good company!

I'm so excited to be included in this wonderful magazine! It happens to be one off my favorites, so when they asked me to do a quilt using my fabric, I jumped at the chance. Look at the company I'm with! I'm joined by my some of my favorite Australian designers!

And the quilt? It's called "The Bunny Run", featuring my fabric "Flowers for Emma" from Henry Glass Fabrics. I'll let you in on a little secret. I was going to call it Bunnies Down Under but I wasn't sure everyone would get it. LOL!

There's a whole article on me in the magazine, and more photos taken in my home. I haven't even seen the magazine yet, but here's a sneak peek of a photo they sent me. No, this photo was not taken at my house, unless my husband has added pillars in the back yard. Maybe I'd better go look!

So, how can you get this magazine and a kit to make this quilt? We thought of that in advance and Shabby Fabrics has made a limited number of kits with the exact fabric I used! You can find it by visiting their web site here

The complete instructions are inside the magazine!

Hugs to my Australian friends and to everyone else too!


Monday, August 4, 2008

A Walk On The Wild Side

I bet you thought you'd never see it! Bunny Hill with wild fabric. And you thought I was all about shabby and chic. Well this designer has a bit of the fever and when I saw the new line called Woodland Bloom by Lila Tueller, a new designer at Moda Fabrics, it was screaming to me to please make me into _______! Ha, can't tell you what I made it into yet. You'll see soon enough. Thanks Lila for such beautiful, fun fabrics!

A sneak peek? OK but just a little one....and no it's not really a flower quilt. Only two flowers on the entire quilt! You'll have to wait just a bit longer...

Did you notice the wonderful machine applique done by my friend Anne? We use the DMC machine embroidery thread in both the bobbin and the top and the result is a thread that sinks right into the fabric. Cotton thread on cotton fabric. It just doesn't get any better for machine applique.

And remember those stacks of fat quarters that Bridgette was cutting for me? Those beautiful Japanese Lecien fat quarters that I used in the "I Believe in Angel's" Quilt?

Today she brought them back in neatly packaged bundles and they are now on my web site available for sale! 13 fat quarters of that hard to find fabric from Japan.

Oh, and thank you all for your comments on my last post! I just love that word cuppa and now I have a new one to use "chinwag". LOL! I do enough chinwagging for two people.

The caffeine is back in stock at Bunny Hill and my ironing board has been raised up 6 inches. I'm off to a good start this week.

Hugs and happy chinwagging,


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Come On Over for a Cuppa!

Come on over for a cuppa! This is the new word I've learned from my Australian friends. I'm not really sure if a cuppa is a "cup of coffee" or if a cuppa can be anything, like a cuppa hot chocolate, a cuppa tea, a cuppa milk, or even a cuppa V8. Here's my question...if a cuppa can be anything how do you know what you're stopping by for? What if you don't like it? All you Australian's out there please enlighten us!

You may want to wait for later to stop by my house for a cuppa. Any cuppa you get around here this morning would be of the decaffeinated kind. YUCK! If your a coffee drinker you want the real thing not decaffeinated. If you don't remember me telling you (maybe I didn't because it makes me sound VERY spoiled), my husband does all the grocery shopping. I just make the list and try and keep my mouth shut if he forgets something. I know a good thing when I see one.

But decaffeinated coffee means a trip back to the store. No other way to look at it. I have to pay bills today and I can't do that with a cuppa decaf. Nope, just doesn't work and neither will I.

I know, I know, the caffeine isn't good for us. But what can I say? It's my only bad habit. LOL!

The good news is that my next fabric line is FINALLY off to New York. It's a children's line and it took forever to complete the drawings and choose the colors. Mooch tried to help but all she wanted was gray and yellow. I swear she's trying to match the color of her eyes with these color cards.

In case you're wondering if I'm EVER going to do a new floral line the answer is a definite YES. I'm working on it already and it will be introduced at Spring Market. I promise you will love both of my next lines. I'm so excited about them! Children first, then the grownups.

Oh and before I forget, to all of you who have kindly emailed me, my RSS feed at the top is now working again!

I'll pay bills as soon as I have some coffee. That's right, I pay the bills, husband does the grocery shopping. If you're in Safeway in Discovery Bay today say hi! He'll be there for sure. (:

