Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To Market, To Market

Things are a twitter around here.  Well, maybe I shouldn’t say “a twitter” because I haven’t been doing much of that.  If you haven’t received a new blog post, if I haven’t answered your email, sent your order, returned your phone calls etc. it’s because we are in MARKET MODE!   I’m so overwhelmed, that Brigette offered to help write this post!

Off to market The good news is that this stack of boxes you see in the above photo just arrived in HOUSTON!   Thank you Mr. Brown trunk! 


The bad news is that I just figured out the patterns have to ship to Houston on Monday, but we're still writing them and the pictures still have to be taken.  I’m so happy about this! 6 photos to be done tomorrow, uploaded to the printer, and turned into pattern fronts and shipped to market by Monday!  Sure, we can do it!

Nancy Ritter just informed Brigette that she can't bring her cute pink flowered luggage to market because she has to bring Large, sensible luggage.  Her fantasy about everyone pointing at her in the airport and sighing, while they secretly wished they were her, has been smashed to bits.  Thanks Nancy. (Brigette wrote this part). 


I made about fifteen prototypes of the new bitty pincushion, and then everyone talked me into going with the first one I made… numero uno as Brigette would say. 

The newsletter comes out on the 5th., along with the free pattern.  I’m working on it I promise.   AND then it’s off to the web site to load the new patterns. 

I’m striving for perfection.  Maybe next market. 

New patterns and market pictures coming soon.  Maybe after the photo shoot. 


