Monday, September 14, 2009

Cosmo Floss Pre-market Sale!

By now you’ve heard about the new Lecien Cosmo floss.  If you haven’t you’re in for a treat. It’s imported from Japan and feels like silk.  It’s 100% cotton, silky smooth, and colorfast.  We love it so much here at Bunny Hill that we had our favorite colors packaged especially for us. We offer 5 packages of floss in an assortment of colors; spring, summer, fall, winter, and vintage Christmas.

Product Photos 

Well, this past week we found another product from Cosmo that we love equally as well.  It’s the 2 strand floss on the spool!  88M of 2 ply floss that’s ready to use! Just unwind from the spool, and thread your needle!      

You’ll find it on our web site under Floss and Thread.

Product Photos Lecien Floss

Here’s the best news…we’re putting our pre-packaged floss on sale at 40% off!  In the future we’ll be offering the spools only.   So if you’ve been waiting to try this floss now is the time! Cosmo Floss Packages, 12 skeins for $7.80 while our supply lasts.  Order five packages and we’ll charge you $35.00 for 60 skeins of floss.  That’s a savings of $4.00 off our sale price.  You will love it, I promise!

And right around the corner, new patterns are coming.  I’ll be back in a few days with a sneak peek at our newest block of the month,  “Le Jardin”!

