Quilts Inc has posted a notice that Quilt Market and Festival 2008 will proceed as planned. I never doubted them for a minute! If anyone can do it, they can!
I however, am not nearly as organized as they are. I need at least 8 more hours in a day in order to finish in time for quilt market. I would take 8 more hours or another month. Either one will work. It's only been 4 months since our last market so I don't think I'm asking too much LOL!
The quilt I'm designing for my angel fabric uses both applique and embroidery. Let me show you where the inspiration for one of the blocks came from! Several weeks ago, my grand-daughter Michaela, drew a little flower for me...
Pretty cute don't you think? Well, I loved it so much I turned it into...
...a block on my angel quilt! Inspired by my little angel, Michaela!
And remember that photo class I told you about in my last post? Well, our assignment was to go outside and take a photo of something we might walk past 100 times and never notice. Something that we get so used to seeing, we forget it's there. Our front yard has lots of roses that look a bit ragged right now. The flowers are still pretty, but the bushes are showing signs of getting ready for winter. I used my 50mm lens and focused on the rose. The camera must have known that the rest of the bush wasn't dressed for photos, because look at what it did!
The world through the eyes of a camera...
Hugs all! It's back to work!