Thursday, May 29, 2008

I made it myself!

Today was sewing day at Bunny Hill with my grand-daughter Alyssa. She's in kindergarten, but if you ask her she'll tell you she's almost in first grade. She's at the perfect age to learn to sew. Once she started she didn't want to stop! We made three little projects, all on my "big" machine. I put the foot pedal on a little stool so she could reach it and that was all it took. I kept hearing the words "I love sewing!". This machine has so many extras that it's actually easier for her to sew on than my little featherweight. I can set the speed to slow, have the foot raise when she stops sewing, and then of course there's the thread cutter. What child wouldn't like to push a button and watch the thread cut itself?

Since home economics is no longer an option in school , it's up to us to teach our children. If we don't take the time, it will become a lost craft. I spent four years in college with the intention of becoming a home economics teacher. Now at least I can teach my grandchildren!

Look who else spent the day with us in the Bunny Hill studio! She arrived just before I left for market and has been waiting for her debut! She's my very own Rachael Rabbit, hand knit by Rachael at I fell in love with Rachael's bunnies and you can buy one too from her Etsy shop. She'll make it especially for you!

I found her eyeing my ribbons this morning!

Who can resist a sweet little face like this?
Thank you Rachael! Your adorable little bunny has a really good home.

I've added some blogs to my list that you HAVE to visit. They are Australian designers with so much talent it's absolutely amazing!

Natalie at . This link comes with a warning: you could be on her blog forever.

Then hop on over to visit Lynette at I met her at market and wished I could have spent more time chatting. Her designs are wonderful and so is she!

And finally there's Leanne at Just click on the link and you'll see what I mean. Talented, NICE, talented and did I say NICE? Wow what a wonderful combination!

Hope you have fun blog hopping! Maybe we should plan a trip to visit them! Can we all fit on one airplane? LOL!