Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Treats for me!

I've been catching up on paperwork. That awful, awful paperwork that goes along with a business. It's just not fun. It's not creative, thought provoking, nor do I get any pleasure from it. If you hate balancing your checkbook you'll understand. Just take the checkbook that you hate, multiply it times 3 and you have what I've been doing.

Finally today the sun came out! I actually got out my sketch book and pencil. I started jotting down ideas for patterns. I love doing this. It's kind of like brainstorming, but I'm doing it by myself. What will I work on for next market? It's a combination of ideas and fabrics. Sometimes I have the idea but not the right fabric, so the idea has to wait. And then there's fabric that fills my head with ideas as soon as I see it. I love how that works! It's what makes this process so endless and so much fun!

And then there's the little treats that arrive in the mail , quite unexpectedly, and bring with them inspiration galore. Nanette at sent me the cutest little vintage towel I've ever seen! When I opened the package I fell in love instantly! Little does she know, it has so inspired me! It's a quilt waiting to happen and it's all starting with this little towel. It's a process that I'm going to share with you gradually as I work on it, and by the time I'm done maybe you'll be inspired too! Thank you Nanette, from the bottom of my heart! Hugs to you and your sister in law! (:

I'm off to pick the fabrics!