OK everyone, sing this with me....On the first day of Christmas Anne Sutton made for me, a tiny pink quilt, with that Lakehouse Fabric you'll see!
I have two surprises for you!
The first surprise is a pink and white quilt made with love for a special little child and bear! If you've been to Holly's web site lately you've seen the adorable little bear, that traveled all over quilt market http://hollyholderman.typepad.com/holly_blog/. Well, Holly has 12 of these bears and each one is the proud owner of a new quilt designed especially for it! For the next 12 days you'll be entertained and surprised by a fun list of designers. After all 12 quilts have been matched with a bear, they'll leave for a surprise visit to be announced on Christmas Eve. And maybe some magic will happen when those bears come to visit...
If you liked the first surprise you will love the second! I've written a free pattern for all of you, for the little quilt you see above. It finishes at 14" x 14"! You can also make ornaments, a pillow cover and little pincushions like the one below. Just imagine the things you can do! Take any little print that fits into a 1 1/4" square and have some fun! You'll find the pattern here on my web site at http://bunnyhilldesigns.com/dynamic/?page=Free%20Patterns . Just click on the link below the pictures, a PDF file will open and you can print the directions. Have fun and send me photos if you make a little quilt. I'll share them if I can!
So you noticed the little stuffed animal isn't a bear? Good job!
2 1/2" pin cushion. I love these tiny little things!