We all have people we admire and thinking back over the past year and there is one designer I admire the most. I'm voting her my "Most Admired Designer and Business Woman of the Year". Who did I choose? Amy Butler!
Looking around my house, I realized I have almost every book she's written, and I walk past her booth at market with a sense of amazement. The simplicity of her style is so inspiring! According to my friend Nancy, she's a modern day Laura Ashley with a different, updated style. She is charming, intelligent and sweet; add to that talent that has no limit and you have a 6ft. beautiful designer.
Yesterday Brenda sent me this video from MSNBC called "Who needs Banks?" Give it a minute to load. I think you'll enjoy it!
Did you watch it? Didn't you love it? If you're thinking of starting a business she gives the best advice you can get. Start small and grow slowly.
Oh, and a bit of advice from me...always stay true to yourself! Find your own style and create from that.
Remember to sign up for my newsletter. I have some fun things starting in January and you don't want to miss them! Just go to http://www.bunnyhilldesigns.com/ and scroll down to the bottom of the home page.
Two days left in 2008 and then ta da!!!! We start fresh! I can hardly wait!