Behind the names, (Delta Airlines, Henry Glass Fabrics and many more) are the people we never hear about. The employees who are the company and help make a difference in our world. The people who give from their hearts, not asking for fame or fortune.
It was on a Delta Flight that Larry Reichenberg, the President of Henry Glass Fabrics started chatting with a Delta Airline flight attendant. Turned out to be a very small world. The Delta flight attendants in Salt Lake City, sponsor a program called "A Quilt for Every Bed". They make quilts for charity and need fabric. Larry was the person who could provide it! A connection was made. I wonder how "chance" this connection really was!
For the past 8 years thousands of quilts have been donated to the children who enter the Primary Children's Medical Center, a charitable, non profit organization that operates 20 hospitals equipped to treat children with complex illness and injuries. They service the state of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Montana.
In 2007, the number of quilts donated was 1249!
In 2008, the number has increased to 2114!
Larry Reichenberg from Henry Glass Fabrics has been donating fabric to this cause ever since that chance meeting. Tomorrow he will fly to Salt Lake City to take part in the 2008 presentation of quilts.
Like I said, it's the people behind the companies we never hear about. So the next time you buy Henry Glass Fabric, or fly Delta Airlines, think about these people. The ones that work for the company, and give their hearts to the world.
If you have a children's quilt you want to donate to this cause, you can email me and I will forward the information to Henry Glass Fabrics.